All testing will be managed through the Testing module in Stage Portal, regardless of the communication type (EDI, API, Portal, etc.)
The Testing module is where you will view the test orders you have generated, the results of your test documents (shipments, invoices, etc.), and the completion of the test case scenarios.
There are 4 distinct test scenarios you will go through:
- TC1 - Multi-Line Ship in Multiple Boxes/Containers
- The purpose of this test is to send multiple boxes in a single Shipment file while specifying which items and quantities go in each box, then Invoice all shipped items.
- TC2 - Cancel All Items
- The purpose of this test is to cancel all lines on the order via the Acknowledgement file.
- TC3 - Partial Cancel First and Ship the Rest in Full
- The purpose of this test is to do a partial cancel of a single line and to accept/ship the remaining items in multiple boxes/containers, then Invoice all shipped items.
- TC4 - Multi-Line Ship (Conditional)
- TC4 - Multi-Line Ship - The purpose of this test is to send multiple items in a single box and Shipment (856) file).
- TC4A - Multi-Line + Perishable Undeliverable Return - The purpose of this test is to send multiple items in a single box and Shipment (856) file, and return the perishable order as undeliverable/refused.
- Note: If you are not shipping perishable items, you complete TC4 and skip TC4A. If you are shipping perishable items, you skip TC4 and move on to TC4A.
Go to the Testing & Test Cases section of the Kroger Knowledge Base to get started.
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